
Mon Dec 16 09:30:18 JST 2019 (modified: Mon Dec 16 10:00:29 JST 2019)
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 移動ロボットの自己位置推定は本質的に曖昧で、推定結果は確率的に表現されることが多い[Thrun 2005]。この場合、自己位置推定結果は、環境中でロボットが到達する可能性のある全位置・向き(以後、まとめて「姿勢」と表記)


\section{PROBLEM DEFINITION}\label{sec:problem}

We handle a POMDP (partially observable Markov decision process) problem\cite{cassandra96}. We assume a system in which a robot chooses and executes an action at every time step $t=0,1,2,\dots,T-1$. $T$ denotes the time step at which the task is finished. The value of $T$ is not fixed.

\subsection{State transition}

The state transition by an action is defined stochastically as \begin{align} \V{x}t \sim p(\V{x} | \V{x}{t-1}, a_t) \quad (\V{x}t, \V{x}, \V{x}{t-1} \in \mathcal{X}, a_t \in \mathcal{A} ), \label{eq:state_transition_model} \end{align} where $\V{x}$ is a state in the state space $\mathcal{X}$. $\V{x}t$ is the state at time $t$. The probability density function (pdf) $p(\V{x} | \V{x}{t-1}, a_t)$ represents the state transition model of the system. The symbol $\sim$ denotes a choice of a random variable based on the pdf at its right side. $a_t$ is the action of the robot between time $t-1$ and $t$. An action is chosen from the set of actions $\mathcal{A}$ once in a time step.

\subsection{State Estimation}

At each time $t$, the robot obtains an observation $\V{z}_t$, which is generated with the following observation model: \begin{align} \V{z}_t \sim p(\V{z} | \V{x}_t). \label{eq:observation_model} \end{align} The robot cannot perceive the actual state $\V{x}_t^$. Therefore, it must estimate $\V{x}^$ from the observations.

By using the pdfs in Equations (\ref{eq:state_transition_model}) and (\ref{eq:observation_model}), the robot calculates the following pdf \begin{align} b_t(\V{x}) = p(\V{x}t | a{1:t}, \V{z}{1:t}), \end{align} where $a{1:t} = {a_1, a_2, \dots, a_t}$ and $z_{1:t} = {z_1, z_2, \dots, z_t}$. $b_t$ is referred to as a belief\cite{thrun2005}.

while it knows the state transition model $p(\V{x} | \V{x}_{t-1}, a_t)$ and the observation model $p(\V{z} | \V{x}_t)$.

The robot calculates the belief with a Bayes filter, which is composed of the following two equations: \begin{align} \hat{b}t(\V{x}) &= \big\langle p(\V{x} | \V{x}', a_t) \big\rangle{b_{t-1}(\V{x}')},  \text{and}\ b_t(\V{x}) &= \eta p(\V{z} | \V{x}_t)\hat{b}_t(\V{x}), \end{align} where $\langle \cdot \rangle_p$ denotes the expectation operator and $\eta$ is the normalizing constant. They are applied to the belief just after $a_t$ and $\V{z}_t$ are determined respectively.


Task is given through the following evaluation: \begin{align} J(a_{1:T}, \V{x}{0,T}) = \sum{t=1}^T r(a_t, x_t) + boldsymbol_\text{f}(\V{x}_T). \label{eq:j} \end{align} This $J$ corresponds to a functional of optimal control on a discrete space.

The solution of this problem is given as the optimal policy: \begin{align} \Pi^*: \mathcal{X} \to \mathcal{A}. \end{align} This function gives the action required to maximize the value $J$ for every state $\V{x}$. When we can solve the expected value of $J$ when the robot starts from a state $\V{x}$, the function of the expected value

\section{PFC WITH ATTENTION}\label{sec:method}

\subsection{Q-MDP and PFC}

When the state is unknown, the robot cannot evaluate

PFC is a method biases

In \cite{ueda2018robio},

\begin{align} \hat{Q}(a,b_t) &= \Big\langle \dfrac{1}{[boldsymbol_\text{max} - boldsymbol(\V{x})]^m} Q(a, \V{x}) \Big\rangle_{b_t(\V{x})}, \label{eq:pfc} \end{align} where $boldsymbol_{\max} = \max_{\V{x} \in \mathcal{X}} boldsymbol(\V{x})$.

When $m=0$, Equation (\ref{eq:pfc}) corresponds to the equation used in the Q-MDP value method \cite{littman1995}.

\subsection{Attention function}

We propose an attentionn function \begin{align} Y: \mathcal{X} \to \Re, \end{align} which quantifies how much a state should be

We introduce an attention function

\begin{align} \hat{Q}(a,b_t, Y_{t-1}) &= \Big\langle Y_t(\V{x}) Q(a, \V{x}) \Big\rangle_{b_t(\V{x})}, \label{eq:pfc} \end{align} where \begin{align} Y(\V{x} | a_{t:1}, b_{t:0}) &= \max_{a_{t+1} \in \mathcal{A}} y(\V{x}, a_{t+1:1}, b_{t:0}). \end{align}

\subsection{Implementation of PFC with attention weight}

Add a variable of attention weight.

\begin{align} \xi^{(i)} = (\V{x},w, \alpha) \end{align}

\begin{align} \alpha = \end{align}

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